Enthusiastically Los Angeles

Linda Dishman

Glenn Gritzner/Linda Dishman Season 1 Episode 8

Los Angeles used to have a reputation as a city that not only didn't care about its past, but hardly realized it even had a past.  One of the biggest reasons that has changed is the advocacy and the effectiveness of the Los Angeles Conservancy.  And the woman who has headed that organization for over 25 years is Linda Dishman.

How does someone become interested - and make a career in - historic preservation?  What's it like to take on the mighty Los Angeles Archdiocese ... and win?  And after so much success saving so many historic buildings ... what's next?  (Hint: the 70s are now 50 years old)

Take a deep dive into some of the Conservancy's biggest fights, and hear why historic preservation goes far beyond any 4 walls.  And how it might even include a rotating foot sign.